adeline's nursery

When I think about the memories Adeline will have of her childhood, two things come to mind.

  1. Ben Platt’s song “Childhood Bedroom” — the lyrics are just the sweetest

  2. A story I saw on Instagram of someone a few years older than me saying their parents prioritized fun and playfulness growing up… I love how that’s what she remembers about her childhood

My hope for our girl is that she’ll always feel our love and playfulness every day growing up. That she’ll laugh every day. That she’ll feel free to be who she wants to be and always feel the most at home, at home. I want her to have the best memories of her childhood and can’t wait for all the fun we’re going to have together.

So when I was designing my “office,” which I secretly always knew would become a nursery eventually, even before we were pregnant, I wanted to make it whimsical. And when we found out she was coming into our lives, we didn’t know if she was a girl or boy and it didn’t matter — I just let the fun, playfulness, and whimsy priorities drive design decisions.

So I picked a wallpaper that fit the job well — a William Morris pattern that almost feels like you’re walking into a secret garden. And then I probably looked at 17 different green paint colors to find the perfect fit — and Sheraton Sage made the cut!

I wanted her room to feel elevated like the rest of the house — even if still playful and whimsical — so I followed the same “rules” I use throughout the rest of our home: mix old and new, contemporary and traditional. I love the juxtaposition that brings to design. So I found an antique mirror for above her dresser and mixed modern furniture with traditional wallpapering and trim. I also played with patterns and colors, mixing the floral wallpaper with a geometric rug, and bringing the green, pink, and gold from the wallpaper to life throughout various pieces of the room. You can tell I LOVE color. 💚💗💛

While I of course wanted the nursery to be beautiful, I also wanted it to be functional. So we made space for toys and blankets, found the perfect side table for the rocking chair, hung up a developmentally appropriate mobile, and invested in furniture that will grow with her (a 4-in-1 crib and dresser with removable changing table!). I love the functional furniture especially because although I’d love it if she stayed little forever, I know that’s unfortunately impossible.

Another tip I implemented in this room is shopping our house. While we did get a lot of new items gifted to us or purchased ourselves, we also repurposed some accents we had in other places of our home, like the blanket and toy basket, the basket that’s holding the diapers, the shelf behind the rocking chair, and the faux tree in the corner of her room. And honestly, all of these things look so much better in her room vs. anywhere else we’ve had them before. It just makes sense… love when that happens and things just fall into place.

When I first came home from the hospital without Adeline, I didn’t even want to go into her nursery. It was a sad reminder that we were home without our babe — and that she wouldn’t be home for several weeks or months. (More on my battle with preeclampsia here.) But as she continued to do better and better in the NICU, I felt better and better about spending time in her nursery to pump or just finish final preparations for her to come home. It’s now become my favorite room in our home — and it’s a lesson I’ll always take with me: no matter the room, design a space you WANT to be in.

Summer Throwback: Magnolia Silos

As I was checking out at Magnolia Home, I thanked the cashier for such a great experience and told him the whole day had felt like I was at Disneyland. He was appreciative and casually said, “yeah, we get that a lot.” 

And I wasn’t exaggerating. Visiting Magnolia really was like going to Disneyland for me… someone who’s obsessed with home decor and all things cozy, and who has watched Chip and Joanna’s show since the beginning. 

Magnolia offered everything you needed -- coffee shop, food carts, refreshing drinks and snacks, baked goods, picnic areas, playground areas, and lots of great shopping. One other similarity to Disneyland: there were only two ways out (that I noticed), meaning you were a fish swimming in a school all going with the current in the same direction, hitting up every last shop along the way. It was a money trap, but in the best way.

We ended up going to Magnolia a bit last-minute. After getting vaccinated, we felt more comfortable traveling and finally made it out to see Tim’s parents’ new home near San Antonio, Texas. We flew into Austin and had an amazing time with them and his brother’s family; we even got to meet our cute little Godson for the first time 🥰 We explored San Antonio a few nights, grabbing some food at an amazing brewery and pizzeria and exploring the San Antonio river walk for an evening out on the town. We also hit up a lot of cute little towns right around them, filled to the brim with antique shops, farmer’s markets, outdoor concerts, and coffee shops.

We both had to work almost the whole trip, so our adventuring was limited to the evenings and weekends, but I’d say we really made the most of it! We actually did quite a bit of exploring even with the limited time off.

So Friday evening rolled around and after we met up with his brother’s family, ate some delicious Texas BBQ, and said our goodbyes, we drove 3 hours to Waco for our big Magnolia adventure. I’m not kidding when I say I was so excited the night before I almost couldn’t sleep 🤣

We booked the cutest Airbnb TWO BLOCKS away from the Silos -- and we only booked like 4 days in advance! That was definitely a sign that we were meant to go 😉 The house was fantastic; way too much room for just the 4 of us, but the location was perfect and it was everything you would have thought it would be being so close to all the goodness of Magnolia -- very similar style to Joanna’s (because why wouldn’t it be?!). If you’re looking to go to Magnolia, I highly recommend the Avenues of Waco.

So we arrived on Saturday morning at Magnolia Press around 8 a.m. Most of the shops open at 9 a.m., so we decided to grab coffee and breakfast at the coffee shop. We heard Magnolia Table is amazing, but that the wait is horrific, so we decided to skip it this time around. The coffee shop and grounds weren’t too busy when we got there, so we relaxed for a bit in the coffee shop and outside in the patio area and wandered around for some photo opps 📸

After coffee and breakfast, we hit up Magnolia Home first, walked around, took everything in, and browsed. There is so.much.good.stuff! But I felt like there was still so much to see (and their furniture is a pretty penny) so I decided not to buy anything quite yet.

We explored the cute little row of shops. I went into all of them and bought at least one small thing from each -- jewelry, clothes, beauty/skin care, kids gifts, birthday gifts, etc. These were fun because they had such uniquely curated items.

At this point, it was getting pretty hot and humid out, so we sat down for a bit and had some refreshments -- lavender lemonade for me (so YUM)!

We then made our way over to the Magnolia Market which has a ton of kitchen stuff, plus even more souvenir-y gear. After shopping to our heart’s content, we grabbed lunch from the food carts and drank the yummiest sweet tea I’ve ever had.

We made two last stops before leaving the Silos: 1) Magnolia Seed & Supply and 2) Magnolia Bakery (how could we NOT?!). Magnolia Seed & Supply was a cute, quaint little shop. I didn’t get anything related to gardening, but I did find a cute baseball cap 😉 And the bakery cupcakes were amazing (see mouthwatering photo below).

We spent a good half day+ at the Silos and then went home to rest up for a bit before heading out to do some more exploring. We couldn’t leave Waco without swinging by Joanna’s very first home store, the little shop on Bosque. It was adorable! So small, but they had a cute selection of stuff (+ sale items) and definitely worth going if you’re a Joanna fan like I am ☺️ I bought two latticed shutters that are now hanging at the top of our stairs - forever a fun memory piece.

There are sweet non-Magnolia antique and home decor stores around the Silos that you won’t want to miss -- we went to The Findery, which also has a warehouse a few blocks down. Lots of good finds there. 

And how could I forget -- we also just happened to meet THE Jimmy Don -- the guy who makes all the iron signs for Chip & Joanna in Fixer Upper! It might be open by now, but when we were visiting he was building a shop right across from the Silos that wasn’t finished yet, so they had a trailer in front of it with some ready-made signs for sale. As we were walking up, I saw him standing there and basically whisper-yelled to Tim and his mom that I thought that was Jimmy Don himself. And, sure enough, yep! It was totally him and he was as nice as could be. We ended up buying a sign from him and he signed it! So fun.

All in all, I’d say our trip was a success. I’ve heard mixed reviews about whether or not visiting Magnolia is worth it, but I would say it definitely is -- just know what you’re getting into. You can do it in about a half-day, so don’t go for a week thinking that’s all you’ll do. If you love everything home, home decor, family, and fun, you’ll have a blast.

Life Update 001

I was going to write ‘it’s been awhile’ since posting a life update, but this is actually quite a new concept for the blog. So, I guess I should really say ‘it’s been never’ since I posted a life update 😂 I’m not exactly sure why all of a sudden I have the urge to share a general life update other than it’s been quite a crazy year and a half living through the ups and downs in a world navigating COVID-19. Nonetheless, here are some updates from our crew.

Life Update 001

We bought a house!

Yep, you read that right… we bought a house!… in the middle of a pandemic. Are we crazy?! Maybe 😉 But as they say, everything just fell into place. We feel very blessed and grateful to have been able to purchase our first home in an incredible neighborhood AND with incredible neighbors. Whenever I return to the house from running errands or from a trip, I immediately feel calm and so, so at peace. I think that’s how you know you’ve made your house feel like a home. 

So, buying a house naturally comes with all of the motivation and excitement for DIY projects. We’ve already tackled some (I’ve shared a few on my Instagram, with more to come!), but I feel like my head is exploding with new ideas every day. I want to install beadboard in our hallway, picture frame trim in our main bedroom, wallpaper in the guest room… and maybe our main bedroom, too… mixed metals and candleholders as a gallery wall above our bathtub, a more permanent desk and shelving system for Tim, maybe a garage gym; the list goes on and on. It is both FUN and overwhelming at the same time.


Tim got a job!

Most of you know my husband, Tim, was laid off by Airbnb at the beginning of the pandemic. He applied and interviewed for a year and nothing was coming through. He didn’t want to take a step back in his career -- and we were lucky enough to be able to get by on my income -- so he took his time finding the right fit. 

Well, when it rains, it pours (in a good way). After nothing sticking for almost a year, he was suddenly interviewing at 3 different companies at one time and was ultimately recruited for a startup where he landed a great job and was promoted within 3 months! It was a year filled with persistence, patience, and faith, and we feel blessed that everything worked out and he’s thriving in his new role.

I started a new position!

I’m still loving where I work, and I actually transferred roles in the last few months. It’s still within marketing, so not a complete 180, but my new position is more closely tied to sales vs. awareness and engagement. It’s been really interesting and challenging so far, and I can’t wait to see where this new role takes me! It’s always awesome to experience a different side of the business.

I’m going back to school!

They say you should announce something publicly to keep yourself accountable. Well, here I am, being vulnerable and announcing my return to school. Due to a mix of working at a consumer packaged goods company and dedicating lots of time each week for years to nutritious meal prepping, I’ve gotten more and more interested and invested in the fact that food is medicine and have decided to pursue my master’s degree in nutrition (eeek, I couldn’t be more excited!). I have some pre-requisites I need to wrap up before I can apply to the program, which I’ll be tackling over the next several months. I’ll still work full time and school will be part-time for now. The actual master’s program itself is full-time online (no specific times for classes, just weekly deadlines), so that feels like an excellent fit with my full-time work schedule, but I know life will get a lot more crazy. 

This bachelor of arts grad is diving head first into her first science pre-requisite in a few weeks: human anatomy and physiology, so good vibes are welcome 🙏 I think I’m going to find this all fascinating, but the good news is if it’s not what I thought it would be, there’s always another door to open and another path to explore.

The blog is now Wholly Rooted!

Staying with the same theme of ‘food is medicine’ -- I really do believe this and I’m excited to dive more into holistic nutrition and learning about the human body through my courses over the next few months and years. As I’ve grown, this blog has grown with me, so I decided to re-brand (again 😉) to Wholly Rooted, a space dedicated to health, home, and happiness. Look forward to more food and nutrition topics, as well as my usual DIYs, baking, home decor, and life updates. I feel it in my bones that this is the right move and path for me, so I’m happy to have you alongside me in this journey!

Well, that’s it for now… a lot of movin’ and shakin’ over here in our world. I hope you are thriving wherever you are in life right now and I know the best is yet to come for all of us.
